Katie Cavanagh

My Hips Don’t Lie


July 28


02:00 pm - 03:30 pm


Reflections Yoga

227 E 24th St (between 2nd Ave & 3rd Ave)

New York, New York, 10010

Much is made of the stress we carry in our shoulders and low backs. But if “the issues are in our tissues” then the hips are where the heart is.

This workshop will explore the tensions we hold in our hips. We’ll examine how city life, cars, desks, hard winters, couches (yes couches) and even the “virtuous” spin classes and morning runs conspire to limit mobility, strain the back and narrow our physical and emotional freedom.

We’ll begin with some deep stretching in the Yin Yoga tradition, then warm up the whole body with a simple, grounding flow. From there a progression of poses and new approaches will take us into posture, effort, elongation and resolution.

Click here to register.

Hipopener Yoga - Katie Cavanagh